Aleshia & Steve Currie
In this day and age when most people meet through online dating services, it’s refreshing to know that people can meet in offline situations. In this case, it was through the local volleyball club. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it can be done at such a location. Aleshia & Steve have proven it!
It’s been 5 years since they first met, and they still had the same love for each other now as they did then. Steve was a funny, smart, and relaxed man but he’s organised and he's fun to be around. Aleshia has a good sense of humour and is kind, caring and smart. But these things aside, they fell in love because of each other’s more quirky nature - Steve never misses the opportunity for a “Dad joke” And Aleshia has a fantastic ability to name normal things with misleading/incorrect names, such as the “plane station” and the “washing machine” when she means the dishwasher.
We always ask if there are funny memories they have created, and it stands to reason that both of their beautiful boys are the cause of pretty much every single funny moment they’ve experience in their life together. Literals everyday, one or both of the boys do or say something so amazing only laughter can ensue.
The moment you fall in love with someone is often something so simple, yet profound. For Aleshia, it was all the little thing, such as when Steve brought her a cup of tea or dessert in bed. And for Steve, it was when Aleshia was overseas by herself for the first time, and Steve just knew that if she did that again, he would HAVE to be by side her for every moment. He’d even take leave from work to make it happen!
The two have had many adventures together, but none standout as much as their trip to the Maldives in 2017. The memories they created and the fun they shared will be hard to beat for their future, but they will try. They will try. ;)
Steve knew he was on a winner when he met Aleshia, so he planned the perfect proposal: it was a Friday, the 1st of November 2019. Steve organised a surprise picnic at the National Arboretum at a beautiful spot just down from the lookout, near a park bench. They had finished the main course and Aleshia was looking out at the view, while she assumed Steve was getting dessert ready. She turned around to see him on one knee and of course she said yes!
The date is easy to remember as one of Aleshia's favourite numbers is 1!!
On their wedding day, we started with each other them for preparation before a ceremony, at the symbolic Arboretum, followed by a journey down south to visit Aleshia’s grandfather who was unable to attend the wedding due to COVID restrictions. And then more photos at Dunrossil Dr and then back at the Arboretum before a beautiful reception at the National Museum of Australia. Here is just a few of our favourites from their day…
Wedding Info
Wedding Date: 28 November 2020
Photographers: Mark Jennaway & Julian Lumb
Ceremony: Margaret Whitlam Pavilion, National Arboretum
Photo Locations: Calwell, Dunrossil Dr & The National Arboretum
Reception: The National Museum of Australia
Videography: The Tail of Two
Makeup: Hanna Ho Artistry
Hairstyling: Infinite Hairstyling
Flowers: Lilygrace Flowers
Celebrant: Alinta Goldsmith - Celebrant
Cake: The Cake Lady Canberra
Cars: Valley Limousines
Entertainment: Ardanien Entertainment